Selectboard approves agreement with police union
The document is now public record.

Monday's October 4th Selectboard meeting ended with an Executive Session regarding the police union contract and two union grievances. While negotiations with the local police union have been shrouded by attorney-client privilege, a Memorandum of Understanding was approved. With no context or explanation to provided to the public, the memorandum, now public record, is as follows:
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town of Thetford, Vermont (Town), and the New England Police Benevolent Association Local 403 (Union) details the parties’ agreement as to amendments and adoption of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) effective as of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025. The amendments are as follows:
- The new CBA will be effective beginning as of January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2025.
- The Town will bring Officer Stuart Rogers to PS-14 as of 7/1/21, and bring him to PS-15 as of 1/1/22. Officer Scruggs will remain at PS-21.
- The compensation schedule shall be as set forth in the table below. The Town will pay a 1.3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. For the years to follow, the Town shall pay a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) determined annually based upon the preceding five (5) year average percentage increase of all items on the Northeast Region of the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), not seasonally adjusted, as calculated by the US Department of Labor. Notwithstanding the CPI, an annual COLA shall not be less than 1% and shall not be greater than 2.25%. The adjustment shall take effect on January 1st of each year. Appendix A – Schedule of Compensation shall be modified annually to reflect the COLA.
- The Town and the Union will enter into a side agreement with Officer Michael Scruggs which will provide him step increases of 2% for the last five years of his career with the Town, beginning as of January 1, 2021. The top pay step in the CBA remains PS-21.
- The Town’s share of health insurance over the life of the CBA will be 90% for 2021, 88% for 2022, 86% for 2023, 84% for 2024, and 84% for 2025. Union members will be responsible for the difference, which will be deducted through payroll.
- The Town and the Union agree to settle the two remaining pending grievances (#210420-05988 and #210420-05989) in exchange for a one-time payment of $1,500 to Officer Stuart Rogers and a one-time payment of $1,250 to Officer Michael Scruggs; both payments to be processed as wages, all as set forth in that certain Settlement Agreement between the parties, which is incorporated by reference into this Memorandum of Understanding.
Effective date | 1/1/2021 | |
| 1.3% COLA | Step Rate |
Academy | $21.97 | |
PS - 1 | $22.85 | 4% |
PS - 2 | $23.31 | 2% |
PS - 3 | $23.77 | 2% |
PS - 4 | $24.25 | 2% |
PS - 5 | $24.73 | 2% |
PS - 6 | $25.22 | 2% |
PS - 7 | $25.73 | 2% |
PS - 8 | $26.25 | 2% |
PS - 9 | $26.77 | 2% |
PS - 10 | $27.31 | 2% |
PS - 11 | $27.86 | 2% |
PS - 12 | $28.41 | 2% |
PS - 13 | $28.98 | 2% |
PS - 14 | $29.56 | 2% |
PS - 15 | $30.16 | 2% |
PS - 16 | $30.75 | 2% |
PS - 17 | $31.37 | 2% |
PS - 18 | $32.00 | 2% |
PS - 19 | $32.64 | 2% |
PS - 20 | $33.29 | 2% |
PS - 21 | $34.08 | 2% |