Where have all the grosbeaks gone? Sometimes our choices can make a positive difference, like selecting recycled paper for as many uses as possible.
Protest on Thetford Hill on the Occasion of the State of the Union Address "Get out and protest. It doesn't matter if it is being heard or not."
Town Meeting voters rename "Lyme-East Thetford Bridge" to "East Thetford-Lyme Bridge" in bold display of local patriotism "We grow tomatoes YEAR-ROUND!" shouted another resident, waving a fist in the air. "And we're not afraid to throw them!"
Lessons of a Volunteer Recycler Small benefit: you get a cool reflective vest which you can keep so as not to be mistaken for some inanimate object on some dark night.
Regarding the non-binding resolution at Town Meeting This is a Letter to the Editor from Thetford resident Duncan Nichols to explain the pledge, supported by a petition of 5 percent of voters, under Article 23 of the Town Meeting Warning. Sidenote welcomes and considers writing on any topic related to Thetford. It is time to help free
Thetford Center's "ingenious and ambitious" Sayre Bridge We should be grateful to the unknown builder whose ingenuity, and perhaps ambition, have bestowed on us this unique reminder of our cultural and engineering heritage.
Keeping community in changing times: the Thetford Center Community Association It takes a community to run a Community Association building.
Expect Thetford’s property taxes to go up–again–as households are getting priced out Affordability in Thetford has declined by roughly 41% in just four years due to rising property taxes and interest rates.
The true grit of a self-taught writer Cynthia, the author of five novels, does not consider herself to be a "typical" writer.
Weathering the storm - GMP's Zero Outage Initiative coming to Thetford For Thetford, that means more power lines will be buried underground.
Fresco Flowers meets Friday Pizza — a two-for-one in East Thetford When asked to describe his favorite pizza topping, Glen quickly replied, "pesto with fresh mozzarella."
Conservation District seeks Supervisor and offers once-in-a-lifetime landowner funding Any landowner may apply for Ompompanoosuc River watershed funding for a project that falls under one or more of these categories:
Lake Fairlee seeks wakesports exemption "The presence of five summer camps and all the children learning to enjoy normal uses on the lake make Lake Fairlee especially vulnerable to safety issues created by the powerful and dangerous wakes central to wakesports."
Getting to know the soil sponge The USDA has approved the opportunity for $1 million in federal funds to be divided across two Local Funding Pools for the White River and Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation Districts in 2025.
Cemeteries, then and now The Town acquires ownership of Evergreen Cemetery. Many of the small cemeteries probably started as family plots.
Thetford contracts for a Social Services Coordinator The Town has negotiated a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with the White River Council on Aging.
How do we grow? Thetford kicks off the Capacity for Growth Study Following a review of the five villages, three villages will be studied in depth,
Disasters and emergencies — are we prepared? Perhaps the new community can rekindle a common sense of purpose when it comes to watching out for each other in this new era of climate change.
Emerald ash borer strikes in Thetford The state of Vermont is tracking the progress of the ash borer. If you think you have an infested tree, please report it.
Changes to Act 250 and what it means in Thetford Vermont’s natural surroundings are still beautiful and remarkably intact.
Save the Tree ... seeds This program, the only one of its kind in the US, is forging ahead and hoping for assistance from Conservation Commissions and citizens.
Real Organic tomatoes from a state-of-the-art greenhouse in Thetford Vines can easily reach 50 ft in length.
Heed the lifeguard please A typical lightning flash is about 300 million Volts and roughly 30,000 Amps.
Covered bridges - at what price? The Town has spent $52,845.00 on covered bridge repairs in just 4 years.
Ongoing restoration of the East Thetford - Lyme Bridge; a year in photos The bridge is still on track to reopen in October 2024. Stay tuned!
Forest health and deer — Bambi has to go Deer are over-grazing forests in the Northeast, including Vermont... and Thetford.
Does Thetford have the capacity, and the will, for housing growth? As the town experienced, public approval — or opposition — is key to allowing change.
Multiflora rose - it's pretty .... invasive At least in Thetford, we do not yet have monocultures of multiflora rose. But the time to control it is now.
The Village Store will rise again The new owner envisions that this is "for the community" and, as such, is open to input.
The anatomy of the Post Mills Landfill "The unique situation of the Landfill,... presents a threat ..." What happens next is the subject of ongoing discussions.
Many inputs make a Forest and Land Management Plan The Town Plan begins with a Declaration of Climate Emergency including the wording "Town government must work with the citizens and organizations of the town, as well as regional and state organizations, to cut CO2 by 45% by 2030."
Race against extinction - the Homegrown National Park Cedar Circle recently received a grant to convert a portion of the organic cut flower garden to native perennial plants, develop educational materials, and host workshops over the next two years.
Local trails group adopts formal structure for sustainable trails management Krista Karlson: The Union Village Dam area has an abundance of natural resources and is also highly valued as a recreational resource by the community.
Plentiful water in East Thetford, but do they drink it? Chip Hobson: Once the upgrades and improvements are complete, the town and residents of East Thetford should welcome new opportunities to utilize this precious commodity/..
Transferring ownership of a closed landfill is a tricky business And the end of the story hasn’t been written yet.
Natural Resource Conservation Districts deserve more attention And so do Chestnut, Persimmon, Yellowbud Hickory, Shellbark Hickory, Honey Locust, Hazel, Black Walnut, and Oak.
What’s eating the organic label? Thetford farmer organizes symposium on the Chickenization of Organic The food industry has some 1200 lobbyists on Capitol Hill and spends about $350 million a year on shaping opinion in Washington.
The little-noticed job of Town Tree Warden Thetford will soon appoint a new Tree Warden. With 49 miles of roads to inventory, it appears their work is already cut out for them.
The musical “Something Rotten” springs to life with skills of Thetford residents “Something Rotten” opens on Friday, April 5th, at the Briggs Opera House in White River Junction.
It takes a village to run a food shelf The Food Shelf is open from 10 am till noon, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
A look at Thetford's school and municipal budgets Thetford's education spending is down 20%, but the tax rate is up 46%. It's (very) complicated.
Yellowbud hickory, the olive oil of the North? It turns out that the kernel of the nut has a high oil content – 75 to 80%.
A passion becomes a Thetford Center business — The Gun Room Hunters spend more than $292 million in Vermont annually and contribute significantly to the state’s economy.
Fox Hollow Antiques, a new destination in North Thetford? Antique collectors are renowned for taking the road less traveled.
Thetford Elementary Solar Expansion is approved and will provide discounted power to residents, one detail still contested Contact the Joint Energy Committee if you're interested in learning more.
Thetford carpenter may have crafted the first skis made in the US In 1979, William’s pair of brown ash skis were presented to the Thetford Historical Society.
A Stewardship Plan for Treasure Island By identifying Management Units that have different focus areas we can begin to balance competing uses for the property.
Wake boats - proposed ruling still allows them on Lake Fairlee If this rule is approved, wake boats will continue to use Lake Fairlee.
Wing's Market gives way to Baker Grocery Store in East Thetford One additional benefit of the new ownership: the store is now open on Sundays!
Tires are unfortunately anything but benign As an auto mechanic who is exposed to tire out-gassing and dust all the time, Mike Watson is happy to supply Nokian tires.
New "Pocket Neighborhoods" in proposed zoning bylaws could transform Thetford Denser housing developments could be built along any paved road regardless of zoning district, and are required to be visible from the road.
Lest we fall… Thetford’s tireless Community Nurse, Sunny Martinson, invited the physical therapist and falls prevention specialist Dawna Pidgeon to give a presentation.
Decorative wreaths of — human hair Victorian-era hair wreaths are on display at the Thetford Historical Society.
As our climate heads south, trees can’t move north fast enough A growing number of foresters and ecologists think that “forest assisted migration” can play a role.
A bicycle corridor along Route 5? The Federal Rails to Trails program is interested in connecting a bicycle corridor along Route 5 to the rail trail between Concord and Lebanon
Thetford education taxes could jump 26.5% before any new spending And municipal property taxes could go up substantially as well.
Fallout from the delay of Thetford Elementary School ’s solar expansion by the VT Public Utilities Commission “The State of Vermont and the Legislature have made it clear that Vermont’s energy future relies on renewable energy. Yet the PUC seems to be putting up every obstacle to encouraging renewable energy projects.”
You can build back, but not better, through FEMA "There was not a hydrological study done for that location, and in my experience they will not accept our recommended solution without a recent study."
Delays, detours and … what’s behind the concrete barrier? Town highways are forever a work in progress.
The life and death of the Thetford Center Village Store Without a likely lender, the list of potential buyers seems small.
EVENT: Going out with a bang; Last free “Porch Concert” features noted percussionist Free - Thetford Hill Congregational Church, Saturday August 19th at 1:00 pm.
Teamwork takes down TCCA’s tricky tree This remarkably generous deed was performed as a contribution to the TCCA by Ellis and Steve at their own expense.
A bustling beginning for the new Town Manager The Town is fortunate to have hired a new manager who is familiar with how things work in Vermont.
Town-wide reassessment of property value is not to be feared It does not necessarily mean that property taxes will go up.
There was flood damage, but Thetford dodged a major bullet At its height, the water behind Union Village dam was at 97.07 feet.
Church musician moves on to work on human potential While she loved her job at the church, the urgency of our times has inspired her to help people “become their best selves.”
Is it risky to build “upwards not outwards”? Thetford could experiment with allowing three- or four-story buildings in village centers by changing their zoning bylaws.
Event: Front Porch improvised jazz concerts migrate to Thetford Hill Church with an impressive line-up On Saturday, July 1st, 2023 at 1pm, and it's free.
Event: Here comes Riverfolk Festival 2023 While there is a superabundance of music on the internet, the Riverfolk team believe there is a place, a desire even, for people getting together to enjoy live music events.
The future (and past) of oaks The evolution of oaks is complex, but in a nutshell (no pun intended), the data shows they existed over 56 million years ago.
Agricultural Tax Stabilization, finally A measure proposed as pandemic relief by then-Selectboard Chair Nick Clark.
June 11th: Celebrate community with the renaissance of the Rice’s Mills Schoolhouse The pandemic starkly highlighted that peoples’ overall well-being is bolstered by social and community connections.
The glue that holds Thetford together Tracy Borst has earned respect, admiration, and appreciation in all aspects of her career with the town, education, and her work in professional associations.
A new tick on the block As the climate warms, southern species that were formerly deterred by long cold winters are making their way north.
Trails and natural resources, what’s next? The trails in the Army Corps of Engineers flood control area have been open to the public for decades. Unfortunately, unauthorized trail building became a problem.
Solar saga at Thetford Elementary It appears that the solar expansion at Thetford Elementary will likely proceed, although its excess electricity will be eligible for just the current net metering rate.
Comings and goings in Thetford The gas tanks were removed from the Village Store, while Baker's reopened with new offerings.
Big Night - salamander casualties despite some human intervention Wetland conservation and vernal pool mapping have helped protect amphibians’ sensitive breeding areas. Unfortunately, the migratory paths leading to these breeding habitats are little-studied and completely unprotected.
Thetford Town Manager: Tom Yennerell may return as interim; Brian Story of Johnson a serious candidate However, the Selectboard has not taken any votes yet.
Tenants face 26% rent hike in Thetford There is no limit to how high or how often a landlord can raise rents.
Planning for revitalization - Town Plan, budgeting and Capital Program Long story short, a Capital Program is just the start of a ten-year process that outlives the Town Plan from which it came.
Easing up on ADUs in Thetford The demand for affordable housing is unlikely to abate anytime soon, so the odds are high that this bylaw will become permanent.
Humans and salamanders gearing up for the Big Night Let’s hope the volunteers don’t get discouraged, because the salamanders are not. They surely will have their Big Night before May is here.
PFAS everywhere always The true scale of contamination is likely much greater, because PFAS have been around for almost 80 years.
Past social trends set the scene for today’s development issues It started with the establishment of Dartmouth College, followed by the founding of Dartmouth Medical College in the late 1700s.
Why small-scale development simply isn't happening It is within our power to change our local zoning, explore tax abatement options, and if and when a project is proposed in one of our villages, look for a middle road...
Liz Ryan Cole: Creating a safe crossing for walkers and bikers Bridge closure begins April 1st. Lessons learned plus something that can still be done.
The huge development that wasn’t The land was purchased sometime in the late 1980s, and subdivision designs were crafted.
Watershed Action Plan; Halting Lake Fairlee pollution requires cooperation of many Once projects are identified, conceptual designs will be made and a draft Lake Watershed Action Plan will be released.
Why have a Town Manager The recent resignation of Thetford’s town manager has left some residents scratching their heads and wondering if town manager governance is what we really need in Thetford.
Dollars and sense; spending the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds Any money remaining by December 31, 2026 shall be returned to the U.S. Treasury.
Setting limits on wake boats - an economic analysis The rule-making process now moves on one more step — a public comment meeting.
Thetford Town Manager takes job in Hartford Bryan Gazda will be leaving Thetford 2 years into his 3-year contract.
Introducing the new owner of the North Thetford Church We welcome this new energy and vision of community.
The Town Accountant; new position, familiar face We are lucky indeed to have such skilled and dedicated staff.
Can they get there from here? Land Trust explores regional wildlife connectivity The lack of information about wildlife movement through our broken-up landscape inspired the Upper Valley Land Trust that oversees conserved properties to launch a study on the topic
Thetford generator failure impacts EC Fiber’s internet and phone hub An ECFiber technician worked all day on December 19th “to provide a fix for all the phone customers served from the Thetford hub (~450 customers).”
Thetford School’s solar expansion, delayed by State Commission, will set precedent for “Net-Metering Credits” The overall affordability and long-term payback for the school’s solar expansion could be impacted by the outcome.
Goodbye Wings, hello Pump and Pantry It is unknown whether the pump will follow the pantry to East Thetford, where there is already one gas station.
Work planned on Ledyard bridge during Lyme/Thetford closure One thing is certain: the Lyme-East Thetford bridge will be closed.
Regional Energy Coordinator moving on At least he’s not going very far; the office of Norwich Technologies is down the road in White River Junction.
Deer season, forests and gardens House lots encroaching on woods put entire areas off-limits to hunting.
A chip off the forest block When we plan for our future, we will need to consider where we live and how it does, or does not, support our economy, reduce energy use, encourage a sense of community, and protect our natural resources.
Bridge closure will disrupt firefighter mutual aid and raises capacity concerns Many are concerned that Thetford only has 3 or 4 volunteer firefighters.
What happens to electronic “waste”? Thousands of pounds of electronics are collected every year in Thetford.
From Hatch’s Store to short-term park: a progression in pictures This land will soon grow green and might possibly become known as “Hatch’s Park.”
Rep. Jim Masland: Thetford/Lyme Bridge Changing the outcome will require intervention from higher up, perhaps NH's and VT's Congressional Delegation.
Mundane but essential; energy-efficient HVAC for Town Hall A majority of the Selectboard approved this proposal on September 19th, with one member opposed.
Gasoline negotiations put an end to Baker’s and Village Stores Both Baker’s and the Village Store were listed for sale on business real estate websites.
The end is nigh - demolition of Hatch’s Store soon “If you see a piece of trash on the ground you pick it up, not because it’s your trash but because it’s your community,” John said.
Sidenote’s Li Shen shows photography at AVA If you’ve appreciated Li’s writing on Sidenote, you won’t be disappointed by her photography
The Montague Dam has been removed (with pictures) The Ompompanoosuc River was an “unfailing source of water” for manufacturing in Post Mills
Treasure Island; Shoreland Protection Analyst issues memorandum It remains to be seen how the Town will proceed from here.
Latham Road under construction until mid-November Repairs to Latham Road began in 2016 but encountered numerous delays.
Rich Krzal, former Selectboard, dies at 74 Richard Philip Krzal, 74, died August 11, 2022, at home with his wife and dogs.
Thetford’s unconventional playwright, Duncan Nichols, premieres “Myth Makers” on August 28th No reservation needed. By donation, cash or check. All proceeds benefit Doorways Into Good Shelter.
Landfill legacy - groundwater pollution and solar promise There is an acute housing shortage. Water quality around the Post Mills landfill isn't helping.
EVENT: Last porch concert of the season on Friday Aug 12th Summer is racing onward in a flurry of events and entertainments.
Odanaksis: seeking refuge in and around our little villages Something happens to you when you create art regularly,
Renting the commons The Facility Use Policy and Facility Use Agreement will be applied to the Thetford Hill common and the Post Mills common (Veterans’ Park), as well.
Make hay - square or round - while the sun shines As long as there are small fields to mow, horses to feed, and people like Ellis to run the equipment, the square bale will likely persist.
EVENT: Support your local community at Thetford’s 2nd Annual Summer Market Fair TCCA is throwing the second annual summer market fair on July 23, 2022 from 10am-3pm on the Thetford Center Green.
Classical ballet flourishes in Thetford – and White River Junction As Ruth Mayer puts it, “dance is here and gone."
EVENT: Tradition be damned — Creative Music at Seven Stars Neither musician will adhere to the traditions associated with their respective instruments.
A music hub - Here in The Valley! On a quiet back road in Thetford, not far from Norford Lake, ideas have been brewing.
Trails and tribulations at Treasure Island As stated in the Wildlife Action Plan, preventing degradation of these corridors is a high priority.
Memorial Day Please take a moment when passing to remember all the brave people who have fought for our freedom.
Village water part 2; East Thetford‘s struggle The fewer the number of users, the more each one has to pay.
Latham Road repair estimate now exceeds $1.3 million But that doesn't include Culvert #3, which may need to be replaced in 3 to 5 years.
Front porch improvisational jazz concerts return Concerts are free. Bring a chair, bug dope, a hat, and sunscreen.
North Thetford water companies - between a rock and a hard place At this point the state has not come down hard on North Thetford to force compliance — yet.
Fairlee receives $100,000 grant for pedestrian access Perhaps the lesson for Thetford is that having a Plan is only as good as a Town’s willingness, and ability, to execute it.
Mud season in review - what would it take to do better? A lot. It’s the price we have to pay for our car-dependent, rural way of life.
The loon and the goose, volunteer intervention on Lake Fairlee Loons are long-lived (20-30 years) and will defend their nests and chicks ferociously.
A novel approach to the housing shortage — the Livable Real Estate Cooperative It's an idea that started in Thetford: locally-controlled housing development.
You can't build that here Pressures on the Upper Valley's housing market have been growing for decades.
End of an era, Watson’s Automotive closes down Our local garage in East Thetford will be sorely missed.
How Vermont became a destination In 1911, the Vermont legislature mounted a full-fledged campaign of tourism promotion.
The changing of the guard Are we ready to grace our informal and picturesque backroads with bright, shiny guard rails?
Latham Road, the last road refurbishing for now? Unless Congress approves funds for infrastructure improvements...Thetford’s future road repairs may well lie dormant for a while.
The songs of spring It brings me back to being a young child, boots on feet, going out to play in the mud.
Can a petition strike a balance between wake boats and other lake users? The petition does not seek a ban on wake boats. “If adopted, the proposed rule would balance the enjoyment of the ... sport with the need to limit these activities to appropriate water bodies...."
A passion for pollinators and more Use Zoom to attend the first class in series called "gardening with native plants to bring back the animals that we love."
With skill and strategy, Thetford robotics teams qualify for world championship Besides being an engaging challenge, robotics contests are a way to invest in the future.
Constituents critique Rep Briglin's clean heat bill Deceptive accounting practices will increase Vermont's impact on climate change.
Thetford is basketball strong But don't forget to get some extra sleep, hydrate a little bit better, and make 10% better nutritional choices during the playoff time.
Logging and carbon sinks Forests are getting a second look, not as a source of wood products but as buffers against climate change
Town of Thetford, police union reach agreement Among other things, the police officers will be issued with body cameras that will be used in compliance with state mandates.
Bradford Town Meeting resources Town Meeting is on Australian ballot this year, but there are still ways to get involved.
Post Mills landfill - solar power to the people Or in this case, to out-of-state utilities that are still burning fossil fuels.
Church puts on Extravaganza Talent Show with high tech help In spite of the logistics involved in holding a public event in a pandemic, “the show must go on” — safely.
Grain farmer seeks land Much of the good land, and even marginal land like “lowlands” or “wet meadows” (all former wetlands), is taken up by dairy and haying, its sister operation.
Rehabilitate or replace? The Lyme-East Thetford bridge has a Sufficiency Rating of 31.5%. Replacement might become necessary.
The Full Vermonty podcast, recorded in Bradford What started out as a joke at a Vittles solstice party has since become a serious venture.
The Clean Heat Standard – a proposed route to reducing emissions in the fight against climate change At present, heating buildings with fossil fuels like oil, propane, and fracked natural gas accounts for 34% of Vermont’s climate-warming carbon emissions.
7-town consortium receives $66,000 grant for zoning modernization The objective is to support housing development in downtowns, village centers, and concentrated neighborhoods.
A safety review of the Lyme-East Thetford bridge The bridge is in poor condition, but it's not in serious or critical condition, nor is it in imminent danger of collapse.
Bradford's Community Visit process, 1999 and now With many of the goals set in 1999 accomplished, 150 people gathered to keep the energy going.
Thetford Town Meeting on Australian ballot again, budget approved However, the Warning was only approved by 3 with 2 abstaining.
The history and context of the Lyme-East Thetford bridge "At the time the Lyme-East Thetford bridge was being worked on, 128 flood projects were nearing completion in New Hampshire, twenty-three were completed, and fifty-two others had received approval and were ready to start…" the HAER report says.
The case for using herbicide in Lake Fairlee – Milfoil then and now In 2009, with strong public backing, the LFA started the lengthy permit process to treat the lake with herbicide.
The housing shortage and gender-based violence While the Upper Valley is recognizing more and more that the shortage of housing is impacting the labor market, the situation is more dire for people living in violent situations.
Vermont House passes redistricting bill, Thetford unchanged Towns still have an opportunity to submit feedback to the House Committee on Government Operations as late as February 15th, 2022.
Route 132 rebuild - by the numbers "A good rule of thumb is that every mile of road costs at least one million dollars to repave." – Roadbotics.com
Jonah Richard explores "human-scale" development in Fairlee "This is my first true ground-up development project so I want to share the ups, the downs, and the lessons along the way to encourage others that they, too, can do it," Jonah Richard said.
Lyme-East Thetford bridge rehabilitation delayed 1 year "Its rapid deterioration plus the grueling task of a rehabilitation process is obviously deferring engineers and contractors from touching it," Nick Fabrikant said.
Planning Commission grapples with owner occupancy requirements In addition to being insulting to potential tenants, these requirements reduce them to commodities rather than individual community members in need of housing.
Chad Finer - documenting musicians of the Upper Valley, and Thetford Every day he continues this remarkable labor of love, editing one more recorded tune and posting it on YouTube
Does Thetford need to worry about rolling blackouts? Despite GMP’s claims about its energy supply, its actual dependence on fossil fuels leaves us no less vulnerable to potential blackouts than are customers of other New England utilities.
Let it glow! A sampling of festive lights in Thetford Midwinter lights to drive out darkness and welcome in the new year.
Volunteers weatherize Thetford Elementary, Efficiency Vermont takes note The elementary school is the town's largest public facility and consumes approximately 12,000-13,000 gallons of heating fuel per year.
The Police Chief and the clock tower The clock in the steeple of Timothy Frost has to be reset after every power outage, a job the Chief of Police has taken on.
Officer Scruggs named Interim Police Chief Michael Scruggs is a Thetford native and has worked for the Thetford Police Department since 2010.
Rep. Masland takes a stand on a major energy and climate case Global Foundries consumes 8% of the state’s electric energy, more than the entire city of Burlington.
Rachael Cook unveils vision for family center in Thetford "Any mom knows that motherhood, while rewarding, can also be experienced as exhausting and isolating," a parent said.
Lebanon is at the center of regional housing development There will be more units under construction in Lebanon in 2021-22 than were built total between 2010 and 2019.
Thetford awarded Municipal Planning Grant for water systems study The Town Plan focuses housing and economic development in Thetford's 5 villages, but some villages are struggling with access to potable water.
Emerald ash borer is coming to Thetford. Does the Town need a plan? The Town Manager's proposed budget cuts the contribution to the Town Tree Fund by 50%, leaving enough money for the removal of one, maybe two, trees.
The Town Manager's proposed 2022 municipal budget Some costs are increasing, some are decreasing, and some are staying the same. Let’s take a look.
An action plan for Lake Fairlee’s faltering health We'll be expecting the final report around May 2023.
A new cinema marks Thetford Center's quiet revitalization The finest body of films and plush furniture that seats 25.
Many parties help to restore a floodplain in Post Mills Majestic silver maples may once again preside over the rise and fall of floods.
A bountiful deer season, but are ticks, COVID part of the picture? While deer evidently spread COVID among themselves, the odds of a hunter contracting COVID from a deer seem minuscule
Thetford to purchase its first hybrid vehicle Thetford could see at least a 15% reduction in police-related CO2 emissions.
Community Nurse of Thetford seeks level funding Any Thetford resident is eligible, and services are confidential and free.
Upper Valley Ambulance seeks 6.5% rate increase for 2022 appropriation Because of a growing population, the increase for Thetford is 14.2%.
Fire Ponds are part of our essential town infrastructure Thetford has 27 fire ponds, many of which were built in the 1960's.
Long-time Listers Diane Osgood and Janet Stowell retire We will greatly miss the expertise, judgment, and experience of these dedicated, long-time public servants.
Front Porch Concert series embraces new talent and moves indoors This unique combination may well be the first ever performed for these instruments.
Proposed one-seat House districts would impact Thetford Thetford would no longer share a House district with Norwich and Sharon.
Easing the housing crisis with regional zoning modernization Thetford is joining with Bethel, Hartford, Randolph, Rochester, Strafford, and Woodstock.
Thetford Elementary closed Monday following second COVID case Are there ways to build community despite these difficulties?
Tension builds in Town Hall "I am hoping for at least an explanation, or better yet, an explanation and an apology."
Tina Foster: the future of Post Mills Airport There are many ways that Brian’s vision for the airport could manifest.
After 25 years of service, Charlie Buttrey will not seek re-election to the school board "I had no motivation other than I just wanted to calm things down."
Can the Climate Council Deliver? Selectboard and School Board sign petition Who is the Climate Council and what does this petition mean?
Private water companies look for a municipal plan They're hoping for an engineering assessment of potential and existing water systems in Thetford's villages.
Thetford's tax rate is above average, and it matters In 2020, Thetford had the sixth highest tax rate in two counties.
Town Hall eyes the challenge of climate change The Town can set an example others should follow, because, let’s face it, time is running out.
The Town's plan for Route 132 bond payments will need adjustment It means an automatic 4.9% budget increase in 2022.
A maintenance plan for gravel roads Gravel roads are where a large part of the Thetford population lives.
Lyme Health and Wellness Fair, and the bridge that connects us Vaccines available to Vermont and New Hampshire residents.
There's not much to report on local housing initiatives The Planning Commission could be the body to watch.
Conservation of Town Forest land is well-deserved AT&T predicts the tower could be complete by spring of 2022.
FEMA slowly reviewing Thetford's 2017 disaster declaration The Town didn't notify FEMA of scope changes, and had multiple procurement violations.
Local residents weigh in on state climate policy People are asking the state to consider nine things.
Honoring Brian Boland; experimental hot air balloons fly again in Post Mills It's only when you make a ballon yourself that you know it intimately.
Vermont emissions could increase due to reported emissions reduction Apparently, Vermont is ahead of its 2050 emission reduction goals.
A town-wide assessment of roads, paved and gravel Stantec will spend the next 60 days studying Thetford's roads.
Masks still required for now The Town Manager reported that masks are required indoors at Town facilities for the next several weeks at least, following a recommendation from Mariah Whitcomb, Thetford's Emergency Management Director. There has been an increase in cases in the region, including breakthrough cases (positive test results for those who
The language of road cracks informs a five year repair plan The amount of road deterioration from one pass of a tractor-trailer is equivalent to that from 9,600 passenger cars.
Thetford approves landfill agreement Those who have recently purchased punch cards will still be able to use them.
August goes out with another front porch concert Something is happening here beyond what we think of as “world music.”
Grain farming, with a twist, returns to the Upper Valley The fine sandy loam soli at Birch Meadow Farm makes it possible to grow spring wheat.
Lebanon asks Towns to sign new landfill agreement Thet Thetford Selectboard has not yet discussed the topic.
A new wave of tick-borne diseases Unlike Lyme disease, anaplasmosis is lethal in roughly 1 out of 200 of cases
Is it time for an assessor? There are funds available for a town-wide reassessment without necessarily increasing the municipal budget.
Meet retired librarian Peter Blodgett Peter is hoping to teach a course once a year for Osher, do some wood carving, home improvements in the summer, skiing in the winter, and to keep reading.
Flood regulations; why and wherefore The Selectboard will hold a hearing on August 23rd to consider updated flood regulations.
Thetford Center’s first local market fair on Sunday TCCA is throwing the first Thetford Center local market fair on August 8th, 10am - 3pm.
Laughter, love and tears at Brian Boland's memorial gathering There is no life or death, it all exists on one continuum
State to improve North Thetford boat launch Federal COVID-19 stimulus money is funding the addition of a new dock.
Thetford Hill Fair returns On Saturday July 31 your neighbors in and around Thetford will celebrate the 107th annual Thetford Hill Fair.
Thetford to receive $264,965 from American Rescue Plan Act The funds will be distributed in two installments in 2021 and 2022.
Lyme/East Thetford bridge closed in 2022/23 Bridge closed: April 1, 2022 to November 4, 2022 and April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023.
Front porch concerts - a high five lineup on July 25th Free form jazz on the front porch at 1590 Tucker Hill Road – bring your own chair.
Volunteer program helps build community and save energy We will build ~125 window inserts for the Thetford Elementary School and ~300 for 46 homes.
Speeding is always a problem "There's no point in making a decision right now," Selectboard member Li Shen said. "We don't have any budget [for signs]."
Wakeboarding boats are making waves on Lake Fairlee Strong waves from passing wakeboats pose a serious threat.
Thetford pastor, lister - vaccinated - test positive for COVID-19 The couple sought testing after the onset of summer cold symptoms.
Flowers - lest we forget Today the Memorial looks appropriately respected and honored as the tradition of care lives on.
Brave deliveries: the birth of a nation and a community Richard and Bathsheba Wallace's headstone stands in the old Thetford Center cemetery.
Town excavator idled for now It seems likely that the excavator will continue to sit at the entrance to Asa Burton Road at least through the weekend, until Doosan sends the right part.
Meet Selectboard Assistant and Assistant Town Clerk Martie Betts She loves coming across old deeds with her parents’ signatures because it brings a sense of déjà vu to her.
Selectboard approves second year of Regional Energy Coordinator Thetford is represented by Erica Ko, who was appointed by the Joint Town/School Energy Committee last year.
Town baited by biodiesel rap Sadly, many towns were sent the misleading biodiesel article because they use the VT-Local Roads Listserv.
How did Thetford end up with a big-city police union? A brief history Should the police union have more power than the Selectboard or the taxpayers the Selectboard represents?
The Post Mills Montague Dam removal project Ron Rhodes said that the schedule for the project is not yet fixed. It could possibly start this year, but could also be postponed till 2022.
Meet Town Clerk and Treasurer Tracy Borst There are sheep loose on the interstate, any chance you know who they belong to?
Festive installation of Sayre Bridge signs The bridge itself is thought to date from about 1840 and is unique in having a “Haupt Truss with kingpost” structure.
Town Hall reopens to the public Town Clerk Tracy Borst reminds the public that the late penalty on dog licenses is no longer suspended. Dog owners have until September 15th to renew their 2021 dog licenses before the penalty will kick in.
Lake Fairlee phosphate - too much of a good thing The problem - phosphate levels in the water have been steadily climbing.
The full scoop on Isabell's "The need to meet and be together is just as important as what’s on the menu," the new owner said.
Selectboard almost returns bicyclist safety grant The objections were mostly along the lines that they would spoil the scenic look of the road, were “urban,” and might not work.
Meet Thetford poet Corey D. Cook Thetford is filled with interesting people, but it's not always easy to meet or get to know your neighbors when you live in a small town. Occassionally, we'd like to introduce you to a Thetfordite by featuring them in a resident profile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corey D. Cook
EXPECT DELAYS: Route 132 reconstruction project gets underway Residents will be able to sign up for a service that will send automated text updates, details to be announced.
ANR seeks conservation near proposed tower, Town stumbles Nothing has been warned on a Selectboard agenda, but discussions are well underway.
From logs to lumber (in pictures) Ellis Paige operates a private sawmill and transforms trees he harvests from his own land into valuable lumber.
It's not too late to pull garlic mustard Garlic mustard is the epitome of an invasive plant and a very aggressive spreader.
Construction scheduled to begin for Route 132 Northwoods' bid was roughly $1.2 million lower than Pike's.
Legal expense funds drained; Chair proposes to limit access to Town Attorney Less than halfway through the year, the Town has spent all of the money it budgeted for legal expenses in 2021.
Clean-up day at Treasure Island The gates at Treasure Island were open on Saturday May 22nd, but not for lakefront recreation.
Will Relicensing of Three Hydroelectricity Dams Help With River Bank Collapse and Fish Passage? The joke among river scientists is that topsoil is the Upper Valley’s biggest export.
Front Porch Music Series Welcomes Groundbreaking Jazz Tuba Player on Memorial Day Weekend All four musicians are well-recognized jazz improvisors and composers
Meet Town Manager Bryan Gazda The Gazda family chose to stay in New England because they found it a great place to live and raise children.
A Thetford-based nonprofit housing initiative? Solving Thetford's housing crisis will take a village.
Thetford’s trash and the long haul Maybe “one of the best landfill sites ever considered in Vermont” has trash in its future after all.
Get Better Bones - there’s no time like now An informal group of residents are meeting at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the beautifully redecorated Thetford Center Community Association (TCCA).
Sounds of Spring; Free-Form Jazz coming soon to Tucker Hill An offering of respite from the pandemic in the form of outdoor, socially distanced entertainment.
No balloon fest, but meals to go One of the most popular events in Thetford will be postponed for another year.
Let's crawl forward, Thetford A call to action for the revival of volunteerism and civic engagement in Thetford.
Latham Library is slowly re-opening to in-person use In-person use by appointment, but curbside service will continue at both Latham and Peabody library
Wing's Market building and property up for sale The market, which has been there for 67 years, will likely remain where it is.
Automotive EV-olution; A family auto repair business stays current in the changing world of automobile technology Watson’s is “in the people business, where we happen to fix cars.”
It's Valley Quest season If you stumble upon one of the Quest boxes that Trebitz monitors, leave her a note!
ANR examines proposed tower site for ecological impacts Vermont recognizes the value of its forested ecosystems.
What are those structures on Old Route 132? Drones are not allowed to be used by the public at Union Village Dam
Thetford Energy Committee launches Electric Vehicle Ambassador Team Thetford's Town Plan aims to see our EV/PHEVs numbers reach 187 — more than triple the current amount — by 2025.
Thetford's villages added to state's Village Center Designation Program There are new financial incentives for East Thetford, North Thetford, Post Mills, Thetford Center, and Thetford Hill.
Cedar Circle teams up with local seed-savers to restore rare cabbage The alarming loss of diversity in vegetables and other crops is prompting gardeners to start saving their own seeds, especially of rarer heirloom varieties.
Green Up Day and... garlic mustard? Drive carefully – people are out on the side of the road picking up litter and (hopefully) pulling garlic mustard.
Box truck damages Sayre Bridge The bridge, which is the only Haupt Truss bridge in New England, appears to have sustained only minor cosmetic damage.
A Bike for All Seasons Jonas Cole's experience in helping participants on outdoor trips feel prepared has translated easily into showing clients how to use equipment like the eBikes he rents out.
School Board shows interest in solar expansion proposal The School Board gave an unanimous nod to solicit a draft proposal that would see a 380kW expansion.
Town sells 26.8 acre portion of Town Forest to abutters The proceeds from the sale, which total $40,200 (or $1,500/acre), are being deposited into the Town Lands Maintenance Fund.
L&M constructs new access to Towle gravel pit via Route 5 Trucks were backing up the southbound travel land of Route 5 to access the pit via Rabbit Road.
A Store is Born (or ... re-born) Cameron Gregory hopes he can be “half as good as Mike Pomeroy” at running the store and being involved in the community.
Water woes in Post Mills (Part 1) During the 1980s when the state was closing landfills built without an impervious liner, the landfill in Post Mills continued to accept trash from around the state. It too is an unlined landfill.
LFA, Private Donors back Treasure Island in one-time donation The Treasure Island Coordinator will focus on “enhancing Treasure Island’s educational and recreational infrastructure," according to the donation offer.
Open Meeting Law remains a contentious issue for Thetford Selectboard "None of us are trying to break the law," explained Selectboard Chair Sharon Harkay. "We're not trying to hide anything."
COVER announces Stuff-a-Truck event at Thetford Recycling “Tools are some of our bestsellers at the COVER Store,“ their pamphlet says.
2021 Sugaring Season: average or bust? Both Jessica Eaton and Donn Downey agreed that maples are under stress.
Lead found in TES classroom drinking fountains, again "We are working on fixes to permanently lower levels of lead in the water," the notification to parents read.
Thetford Elementary announces 5th principal in 10 years The new principal was announced just seven weeks after families received word of the current principal's resignation.
AT&T requests additional time to review vernal pool at proposed tower site The commencement of the 30-day comment period would be delayed until Friday, April 30th, 2021. The Town of Thetford has raised no objection.
Treasure Island: a year in review It was a transformative year for Treasure Island, yet the Treasure Island Exploratory Committee's work is just beginning.
Green Mountain Power buries lines on Academy Road "Currently our line is horrible and exists on the top of the hill in the woods," Kevin Matte, designer for Green Mountain Power, wrote.
The Mystery of the Shrews It is still a mystery why the shrews in my yard died. They had almost made it through the winter.
Thetford's 'Big Trash Day' postponed No decision will be made on re-scheduling the event until after July 1.
Post Mills Airport owner seeks diner enthusiast for new build Brian Boland, owner of the Post Mills Airport, is searching for someone interested in running and living in a diner he hopes to build on his property. You can read Rob Gurwitt's article [https://www.notion.so/Brian-Boland-on-a-Diner-for-Post-Mills-021f5af098964f49b45aad53f433f486] in Daybreak. According to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources&
Town of Thetford sells Post Mills land to abutter While veteran members of the housing committee resign, others advocate for preserving agricultural land: "The benefits run deep."
VTrans removes trees on Thetford's southbound onramp Most of the trees are hardwood, and will be used at the State Garage for heating.
FAA says: no tower light required on Thetford Town Forest "No hazard to air navigation" also means reduced nighttime hazard to birds.