Vermont House passes redistricting bill, Thetford unchanged
Towns still have an opportunity to submit feedback to the House Committee on Government Operations as late as February 15th, 2022.

The Vermont House of Representatives has passed H.589, “an act relating to the reapportioning of the initial districts of the House of Representatives.” The proposed one-seat House district for Thetford and Strafford is not included in the bill, maintaining Thetford in a two-seat district along with Norwich, Sharon, and Strafford. This is in line with recommendations made by each of the four towns’ Boards of Civil Authority in early November.
Most of the Upper Valley’s Vermont House districts will remain unchanged. However, changes are proposed for almost every district on the borders of Windsor and Orange Counties, including districts impacting the towns of Bethel, Orange, Springfield, and Stockbridge, to name a few.
The bill will now go to the Senate and, if passed by the Senate, to the Governor for signature. The Governor may sign the bill into law, allow the bill to be enacted into law without his signature, or veto the bill.
Want to try your hand at drawing Vermont House and Senate districts? District Builder "puts the power of drawing electoral maps in the hands of the people." It supports all 50 states (in case you're reading this from New Hampshire).