Bids opened for Route 132 paving project
The contractor will have 180 days to complete the project.

The Town of Thetford is opening bids on the Route 132 paving project today. According to Town Manager Bryan Gazda, the bids will be given to Stantec, the engineering firm that is responsible for the project, with the goal of them providing a recommendation to the Selectboard by the body's May 17th meeting.
"The contractor has 180 days to complete the project from when the notice to proceed is given, and I would anticipate that construction would begin within 3-5 weeks," Gazda wrote.
The bid opening date was moved to accommodate an addendum to the project that changed the required asphalt mix from the Marshall mix to the VTrans/Vermont Standard Superpave mix. "After discussions with the asphalt plants that potentially would supply the project, we have determined that it is probable that the change ... will result in a better cost for the Town," Stantec advised.
Gazda said he plans on holding a public information meeting before the start of construction, but will need to coordinate that date with Stantec and whichever contractor is awarded the project.