A Most Successful Green Up Day
The actual weight of the trash collected is still to be announced.

Green Up Day on May 1st was a big success according to Jim McCracken of the Thetford Conservation Commission. Jim reported that 136 people volunteered by signing up in advance, and a significant number volunteered on the day without sign-up. Between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. he greeted 110 participants and handed out 300 green trash bags. Jim documented that trash was collected along 81 miles of road. By 1:00 p.m. 178 bags of trash had been handed in, and roughly half that number again were deposited at the Town garage after collection officially closed at 1:00 p.m. The number of tires collected from roadsides was 22.
Other Conservation Commission members who helped during Green Up Day included Connie Snyder, Krysta Karlson, and and Katie Milligan. They noted an enthusiastic and upbeat mood among participating residents. People seemed motivated.
Krysta commented that there may have been safety issues when picking up trash along Rt 113 due to vehicle speed on that road. Part of the problem is that there is no police coverage on Saturday morning. Jim thought that the Conservation Commission could get some safety warning vests through Green Up Vermont, probably at a discount.
The actual weight of the trash collected is still to be announced.